Wednesday, November 4, 2015

12 Websites

  1.  Travis and Nina Tank, Austin tx wedding photographers
  • I really like the layout of the website, their portfolio, and their theme 
  • Three things I would change would be to not make the photos close together, i would spread them out. The second thing i would change would be To make their watermark a little smaller and not put it in the corner of the photo. I would make separate tabs for the photos.
  • 15 tabs
  • Over 100

      2. Jody Horton, Austin Tx
  • I really like the theme of his work. I like how the tabs are on the side. I also like how some of the photos are side by side.
  • Three things i would change would be the photo layout, he doesn't have a water mark on his photos, i would change the website layout as well.
  • 12 tabs 
  • Over 100 
     3. Amanda Pomilla, Austin Tx 
  • I really like how the genres of her photos are divided up and together, I like at the very end she has each category shown in a list at the bottom, I like how everything is in order and neat.
  • The three things I would change would get rid of the recent post, I would just end up making it the photos only with the title of the album. I would make the water mark more noticeable. I would make a different way to see the photos.
  • Over 50 
  • Over 100 
      4. Sarah Wilson, ATX
  • I really like the layout of the website. I love how her photos are of people that you wouldn't think of taking photos of. I love how her theme go photography is very unique.
  • I would try to make it easier to see all of her photos. I would make the watermark more visible. I would change the lighting on some photos.
  • 6 tabs 
  • A little over 20 
      5. Phillip Marshall, Austin, Tx 
  • I Like the layout of the website. I like how his theme isn't really a theme, its varied. I Like the lighting in his photos.
  • Three things that I would change would be to be able to see all of his photos at once, once you click on the website. Would post more photos because his work is really good. 
  • 7 tabs 
  • over 50 
      6.  Benjamin Sklar, Austin Tx
  • I really like the layout of his website. I like his theme of photography, and how the colors of the photos express how the people are feeling sort of 
  • I would make his tabs at the top instead of having to scroll all the way to the bottom, I would change his watermark style. I would change the angles that some of his photos were shot.
  • 6 tabs
  • Over 50
      7. Jeff Wilson, ATX
  • I really like the layout of the website. I love his style of photography. I really like how his photos really tell a story.
  • I would make the photos on the slide show a little bigger or make it fit the page. I would change some of the lighting not all. I would make the water mark more transparent.
  • 10 tabs 
  • over 50 
      8. Darren Carroll, ATX 
  • I really like the layout of the website and how you can tell he does portrait photography by the layout. I like the photo he chose as the opener of his website.
  • I would show more photos maybe make it a slideshow for every tab photo. I would Put all tabs next to each other and not in various places. I would make some of his photos more vibrant.
  • 16 tabs 
  • over 50
      9. Kristi Wright, Atx

      10.    Kristen Kilpatrick 
  • I like the theme of her photography work, the angles that the models are put in, the lighting is just right
  • I don't like slideshow display of the photos, I would make it easier on the home page to see the photos once your on it, I would change the layout
  • 5 tabs
  • over 20
      11.  Korey Howell
  • I like the layout of the website, very organized, neat 
  • I don't like how the lighting is on the photos, I think the watermark should be on her photos, I would change the gallery
  • over 100 
      12.  J Mark 
  • I like the photography, I like his lighting, and the angles
  • I don't like the layout of the website, I would center the photos so it would be more noticable, i would move the tabs on top of the photos
  • 5 tabs 
  • over 30

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